Lose Weight with Paneer

lose weight with paneer

A large number of you might be thinking, Is it OK during weight reduction to have Nova paneer or paneer dishes? Here lies the key. Paneer is high in great fats , proteins and poor in carbohydrates. So getting paneer dishes while keeping your body healthy is no misfortune. During weight reduction, protein assumes an … Read more

Everything You Should Know About Skimmed Milk Powder

skimmed milk powder

Skim milk powder is characterized as the item acquired by eliminating all of the water from purified skim milk. Basically, skimmed milk powder is a lower-calorie, lower-fat rendition of entire or ‘full-fat’ milk that has been made into a powder. The first constituents aside from water are all present in their unique proportions. Skim milk … Read more

Two Fun Ways To Make Your Flavoured Milk Tastier

flavoured milk

Who doesn’t like a wholesome serving of flavoured milk? Not only are they tasty treats to beat the heat, but they are also packed with nutrition and good vitamins that are good for your health. Nova flavoured milk is made without preservatives or artificial flavours which makes them the perfect milk beverage for you and … Read more

2 Easy Ghee Recipes to Try This Festive Season

pure cow ghee

We’re quickly approaching the festive season, and since we love homely traditions, how could we resist a great homemade sweet? For many people, their earliest memories of festivals start with yummy sweets, so why not surprise your family with some special desi ghee sweets? And bonus, these are really easy and do not compromise on … Read more

With Nova Chocolate Milk, Enter the World of Deliciousness

Nova Chocolate Milk

If all you have as a refreshingly nutritious drink is flavoured milk, you have no idea what you’re missing out on. Here are some alternatives to plain milk. Something a little more decadent. TresLeches Cake Sweetened condensed milk is one of the ingredients in this delectable buttery Spanish cake. Full milk or heavy whipping cream … Read more

Start Everyday Refreshed with Dairy Whitener

Dairy Whitener

There has been a trend in India of dairy companies preferring dairy whitener over other dairy products due to easier transportation. Also, there are other advantages of using a dairy whitener. Dairy whitener holds more sugar as compared to milk, and can be preserved for longer duration. While most powdered milk turns lumpy while dissolving, … Read more

Benefits of Dahi for Hair

benefits of dahi for hair

In addition to the fact that yogurt is perfect for skin and hair, however, it is likewise effectively accessible in your home. Which is the reason it is a piece of various skin and hair care recipes for a really long time. The fulfillment, safety, and viability of making an all-natural hair recipe utilizing yogurt … Read more